1、 函数式:调用thread模块中的start_new_thread()函数来产生新线程。如下例:
- import time
- import thread
- def timer(no, interval):
- cnt = 0
- while cnt<10:
- print ‘Thread:(%d) Time:%s/n’%(no, time.ctime())
- time.sleep(interval)
- cnt+=1
- thread.exit_thread()
- def test(): #Use thread.start_new_thread() to create 2 new threads
- thread.start_new_thread(timer, (1,1))
- thread.start_new_thread(timer, (2,2))
- if __name__==’__main__’:
- test()
上面的例子定义了一个线程函数timer,它打印出10条时间记录后退出,每次打印的间隔由interval参数决定。thread.start_new_thread(function, args[, kwargs])的第一个参数是线程函数(本例中的timer方法),第二个参数是传递给线程函数的参数,它必须是tuple类型,kwargs是可选参数。
2、 创建threading.Thread的子类来包装一个线程对象,如下例:
- import threading
- import time
- class timer(threading.Thread): #The timer class is derived from the class threading.Thread
- def __init__(self, num, interval):
- threading.Thread.__init__(self)
- self.thread_num = num
- self.interval = interval
- self.thread_stop = False
- def run(self): #Overwrite run() method, put what you want the thread do here
- while not self.thread_stop:
- print ‘Thread Object(%d), Time:%s/n’ %(self.thread_num, time.ctime())
- time.sleep(self.interval)
- def stop(self):
- self.thread_stop = True
- def test():
- thread1 = timer(1, 1)
- thread2 = timer(2, 2)
- thread1.start()
- thread2.start()
- time.sleep(10)
- thread1.stop()
- thread2.stop()
- return
- if __name__ == ‘__main__’:
- test()