今天在谷歌的官方博客上发现一篇名为Stars make search more personal的文章,说谷歌为了优化搜索结果,使每个用户都能有定制自己的搜索结果,退出了谷歌搜索之星-stars。
With stars, you can simply click the star marker on any search result or map and the next time you perform a search, that item will appear in a special list right at the top of your results when relevant. That means if you star the official websites for your favorite football teams, you might see those results right at the top of your next search for [nfl]. Here’s what the new “Starred results” feature looks like:

谷歌的意思是,如果你在对搜索结果的某一条感兴趣,可以点击在他旁边的“五角星”-stars,那么下次再搜索时,这些结果将会优先出现。而且,stars不用你自己做跟踪,只需要点击一下,即可。它会自动跟谷歌书签Bookmarks and 谷歌工具条 Google Toolbar自动同步。