You have allocated
towards disk images
Linode认为,比如说你购买的512M套餐,硬盘是20G,在你创建VPS时,也要求创建系统分区,如果这时你将硬盘全部划分完毕,那么就是100%使用了。那些没有划分的磁盘,那算没有使用的,即Free。至于你的硬盘上面放了多少容量的文件,那就需要登录系统用命令“df -h”查看。
Linode Storage 100%会不会影响linode主机的正常使用呢?我给客服发了ticket询问,回复如下:
You can upload any file that you have space for within your file system. As Doug mentioned the Linode Manager shows you space you have allocated to your disk images, but does not show you how much space is used within those disk images, as that would require access to the internals of your Linode. This means that you can upload files even with 100% usage shown in the Linode Manager, but you still need to have free space inside your filesystem.
To find out how much space you have used and available in your filesystem, run the following command:
df -h
I hope this clears things up! Please let us know if we can be of further assistance.
也就是说,根本不用理它。Dashboard显示的storage 100%,一点都不影响你的使用。虚惊一场!